Simonas Laukaitis

Simonas Laukaitis


  • Baron, Seminarist Petryla (“The Altar of the World”, dir. A. Liškauskas); KVMT
  • Gintas (“Division”, dir. A. Liškauskas); KVMT
  • Prince (“Cinderella”, dir. I. Briazkalovaitė); KVMT
  • Kafka (“In the Beginning was Kafka”, dir. T. Baužas)
  • Nominated for the Gratitude Mask for roles of Gintas (Division) and Kafka (In the Beginning was Kafka)
  • Faust (“Faust”, dir. T. Baužas)
  • Balthazar (international project “Romeo and Juliet”, dir. M. Siedler, R. Bunikytė); KVMT
  • Role in the performance “I Am March 11”, dir. Darius Berulis, Seiko Dance Theatre
  • Role in the performance “Macaroni Opera” (A. Kučinskas, dir. R. Kaubrys, chor. A. Liškauskas)
  • Assistant role of the Mouse King, “Star Opera” (A. Kučinskas, dir. R. Kaubrys, chor. A. Liškauskas)
  • Roles in performances such as “Fiddler on the Roof” (J. Bock, chor. Szurmiej), “One Blood” (chor. A. Liškauskas), “Bloody Wedding” (J. Smorigonas), “The Bat” (chor. A. Liškauskas), V. Ganelin’s “Devil’s Bride”, “Journey to Tilsit”, dir. G. Padegimas, “Zorba the Greek”, chor. L. Massine, “Don Juan”, chor. A. Liškauskas, dir. J. Vaitkus, “Notre-Dame de Paris”, Z. Liepinš, “Bonnie and Clyde”, dir. R. Bunikytė, “The Needle”, R. Kaubrys, chor. A. Liškauskas
  • Role of the Little Dinosaur (“The True Story of Dinosaurs”, chor. A. Krasauskaitė)
  • Role in the miniatures evening “Expectations”, A. Krasauskaitė
  • Villager, Snake in the play “Eglė the Queen of Serpents”, chor. M. Rimeikis
  • Role in the play “The Nutcracker”, chor. K. Simonov
  • Role in the play “Chicago”, dir. Rūta Bunikytė, chor. Inga Briazkolovaitė
  • Officer role in the play “Carmen”, chor. A. Krasauskaitė
  • King, Cat in the play “Where the Monsters Live”, chor. D. Bakėjus
  • Leading role in the play “The Witch”, chor. Darius Berulis
  • Bacchus in “Orpheus in the Underworld”, dir. R. Bunikytė, chor. Inga Briazkolovaitė
  • Perkūnas in “The Veil of Vaiva”, dir. Marija Simona Šimulynaitė, chor. Marija Simona Šimulynaitė
  • Toreador in “Carmen”, dir. Marija Simona Šimulynaitė, chor. Marija Simona Šimulynaitė
  • Group Dances in “The Other World”, dir. Marija Simona Šimulynaitė, chor. Marija Simona Šimulynaitė
  • Onegin in “Onegin”, dir. Jonas Vaitkus, chor. Marija Simona Šimulynaitė
  • Group Dances in “Dance Symphony from North Jerusalem”, dir. Aušra Krasauskaitė, chor. Aušra Krasauskaitė

Additionally, he has performed in many productions, operas, concerts, musicals, and children’s plays at the Klaipėda State Musical Theatre, Seiko Dance Theatre, Baltic Ballet Theatre, “Lietuva” Ensemble, and other theaters.

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